Paulo Santana

Jiu Jitsu Black Belt and Instructor


Jiu Jitsu


For half of his life, Jiu Jitsu has played a major role. Santana, a native of Goiânia, Brazil, began his journey into the Gentle Art at the age of 14. In all of those years, Santana emerged as not only a top talent and contender on the mat, but also a valued member of the Jiu Jitsu community. In addition to winning numerous national and international championships, Santana created “Gatas no tatami,” an all-women’s Jiu Jitsu class in Brazil. Santana, who earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Physical Education from Universidade Salgado de Oliveira, eventually immigrated to the United States with his wife. He is now the head instructor at The Kraze Fitness and Martial Arts in Winston-Salem, NC, a Lucas Lepri Brazilian Jiu Jitsu affiliate.

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I need to wear equipment where I feel comfortable, I feel that I can do my best. I choose equipment that doesn’t hold me back. It makes me feel good. Looks good and feels comfortable.

- Paulo Santana

BJJ black belt Paulo Santana in the Hayabusa Warrior Gi.

More about Paulo