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Hayabusa | FREE SHIPPING OVER $25 | Valentine's BOGO 25% Off

Sit Up Guard With Head Drag

The Machado Method

The Breakdown:

Learn how to transition your opponent from a closed guard into a head-drag, followed by a seat belt choke. Master Carlos Machado explains how you can quickly ‘swim away’ from your opponent, positioning your feet on their hips to gain leverage when you pull them down with a cross-grip. Using that leverage, you can head-drag your opponent, then force them into a seat belt choke by applying pressure on their back.

Goal: Attack from closed guard
Base position: Guard, open guard
Grips: Collar cross grip, head drag
Attacks: Seat belt choke


Carlos Machado and Hayabusa are collaborating on this series to bring you techniques never seeing outside of highly exclusive seminars before. Master Machado is a Coral belt with over 51 years of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu experience.

The methods and teachings in this series are suitable for all levels, and they solidify fundamental skills that will help to improve your ground game.