Most well-known for co-founding The Meatball Shop empire

and, more recently, the wildly popular seafood mecca Seamore's. There's more to Michael Chernow than his insanely successful eateries.

Born and raised in New York City, Michael has had a hand in the restaurant biz since he was a teenager. He's climbed the ladder from delivery boy to boss, and has expressed his undying commitment to living a healthy lifestyle all along the way.

Muay Thai is a huge part of Michael's fitness regimen. He practices and spars regularly, pairing the striking arts with weight lifting and running for a total body workout.  He encourages his staff to live a healthy lifestyle as well, hosting routine team workouts that build muscle and momentum for all.

Michael's most recent endeavor is a post-workout recovery drink called WellWell, a straightforward scientifically-conceived cold press juice, which has garnered great results for Michael and the community at-large.

When he’s not cultivating restaurants or hanging with his family upstate, he can most likely be found training at Five Points Academy in Hayabusa's T3s. Or he’s gone fishing.